
Line Output Transformer

LL1630 is highly sectioned, and wound with a special low capacitance winding technique. This results in very good high frequency performance.

The transformer has a special audio C-core of our own production.

  LL1630 / 5mA LL1630 / PP
Turns ratio : 7.2 + 7.2 : 1 + 1
Static resistance of each primary (average) : 480 Ω 480 Ω
Static resistance of each secondary (average) : 14 Ω 14 Ω
Primary DC current, primaries in series (For B0 = 0.9 T) : 5 mA  
Maximum DC current before core saturation, primaries in series : 9 mA  
Max standing DC current through any primary section : 40 mA 40 mA
Primary inductance (primaries in series) : 130 H > 300H
Frequency response @ 0 dBU output level :
(Source 2 kW , load 600W. Primaries terminated as suggested below)
10 Hz ~ 40 kHz 5 Hz ~ 40 kHz
Max. output level at 30 Hz :(Secondaries in series) +/- 0.5 dB +/- 0.5 dB
Weight :
0.5 kg
Isolation between primary and secondary windings / between windings and core : 4 kV / 2 kV 4 kV / 2 kV


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LL1630 Leaflet